Cancer is the leading cause of non-accidental death in children and adolescents.
Rui Osorio de Castro Foundation’s mission is the dissemination of information and the promotion of scientific research in paediatric oncology.
In view of the development of innovative projects and initiatives in this area, the Rui Osório de Castro Foundation intends to Prize the Rui Osório de Castro / Millennium BCP Prize annually, from 2017 onwards, for an annual amount of € 15,000.
In this way, the Foundation wants to contribute with resources for the development and / or maintenance of projects able to encourage and promote the improvement of care for children with oncological disease.

For whom?
Individuals, working groups or non-profit institutions can apply for the Prize, presenting a relevant project in the area of paediatric oncology, namely scientific studies, research projects, as well as specific training or projects with a psychosocial impact.
The project must be carried out in Portugal or, in the case of an international study, will necessarily have to involve / register Portuguese children with oncological diseases.
Applications are evaluated by a panel composed of five elements:

Eng.ª Maria Karla de Osório de Castro (Engineer)
Chairman of the Jury and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fundação Rui Osório de Castro

Professor António Gentil Martins

Dr. Nuno Farinha
President of SHOP (Society of Haematology and Paediatric Oncology) and paediatric oncologist in Hospital São João, in Oporto

Dra Maria de Jesus Moura
Director of IPOFG Psychology Unit in Lisbon

Dra Margarida Cruz
General Manager of ACREDITAR
This jury was made considering the criteria set out in paragraph 4.2 of the Regulation.
I want to apply!
Applications for the 4th edition (2019-2020) must be submitted by email between September 1 and October 31, 2019. In addition to sending a copy of the application process by e-mail, all documentation must be sent by mail, or delivered by hand, to the Foundation’s headquarters.
All information and documents necessary for the Application are indicated in the application form.
The dissemination of the winning project will be carried out by FROC’s website on January 16th at 00.00, without prejudice to its disclosure to the media and social networks and the Prizeing of the Prize to the winners at the 6th Paediatric Oncology Seminar in February 2020 in date and place yet to be defined.

DOCUMENTS: Regulation | Application Form | Declaration of Commitment
QUESTIONS? QUESTIONS? Contact us through the e-mail or by phone to +351 21 791 50 07